Thursday, April 12, 2012

Thinking Of A Master Degree Online? The Residency Issue

Whether you are looking to a residency program or not should also be on your mind when you consider a master degree online. It may not be too well-known with those new to the online masters degree program world, but not all online degrees are purely online. Some actually do require you to spend some hours in a physical classroom or lab.

Of course you are probably wondering whether you should even waste your time with such programs. There are a couple of reasons actually, why these programs should be of interest. The number one reason is of course improved networking among master degree online students who engage occasionally in a physical classroom.

Networking works best when people interact physically. This is the distinct benefit of programs that allow for this. Students also benefit academically from this.

After all, when your peers and professors are within reach, it is easier to ask queries relating to your subjects. Among other factors, there is greater speed at which knowledge is shared. Interacting with people online often leads to slow response time as this communication is seldom seen as urgent.

Some courses just function better with residencies. This is due to their emphasis on experience or practical learning. So if your course is in a field where a great focus is on practical experience, then naturally you would look for programs that encompass a large amount of lab time.

Some fields are knowledge-based, making class and lab time less urgent. Online delivery of all information is entirely possible for some programs. In cases like this students don’t worry too much about residencies.

You should think about the amount of time you can give to a residency should you be of the opinion that it will enhance your studies. There are varying residency requirements across schools. The course could be divided equally between the institution and the internet.

Obviously if your time doesn’t allow, you need to look for programs with low residency requirements. It's possible to find programs with just a few days in a semester as part of their residency component. There are courses that require just one semester out of all the years of study.

The hybrid versions of these residencies are those that have a high on-campus course component. You must take your limitations into account though, no matter what program you choose. Remember that the intention of these programs, as far as students are concerned, is to avoid having to go to a campus.

A major concern when looking at residencies involved in a master degree online program is how far you are from the institution’s physical classrooms. The farther your location from that base, the lower the residency requirements you may want to take. This spares not only time but also cost.

Monday, April 9, 2012

What Sort of People Are in Online Masters Degrees and Why?

A lot of colleges in the US currently offer online masters degrees. Many people are interested in this educational format, all the more since most of our work has been moved to the Internet as well. Online schooling has opened up so many opportunities for the working class, especially the opportunity to upgrade one’s value in the job market.

Almost all post-university courses now have an online counterpart. The most popular post-university programs in the Internet are those in Healthcare Administration, Criminal Justice, Education, Social Work, Nursing, Psychology, and Business Administration. Generally, the students of the online programs receive their masters degree after they have finished all the requisite classes in a process that often takes a couple of years.

These classes were originally developed to be better choices for those who are already employed, which means you shall find it possible to work while pursuing your degree. It is in fact fairly normal to see students here who do not start out the classes as working professionals, but who opt to become ones soon after starting their masters. Fortunately, Web-based studies will not stand in the way of that.

And naturally, you may have specimens who got wedded right after they finished their baccalaureate. It is common for those of the fairer sex to do this. When these persons come to the conclusion that they wish to pursue further education, a good and flexible option in light of their situation would be the Internet-facilitated degree.

Even those who are parents with children can easily handle a distance learning course due to the format. Once the children start sleeping, you can then begin your work for your degree. For the working professional, study time may be during coffee break or late at night when everyone has hit the sack.

The Net-based mode of study is perfect for people who have long desired a masters but could not afford it due to their commitments. Indeed, you can even enroll in these courses over the Web. Paying tuition costs may also be done electronically but when in doubt, paying in person at the cashier is still the safest way to do it.

Nearly everything in these classes is done on the Web. Virtual channels are also the means used for forwarding study texts and the like to students. It is possible to read ahead as well, given that the individual is going to be given his modules before the commencement of the school term.

Examinations are self-administered. A file with the answers to the exam will be given to the individual, in order for him to monitor his performance. Cheats do not progress in graduate education because they learn nothing, so hardly anyone cheats.

Other activities may include real-time online tasks. Students may be required to watch a live video streaming, whose contents are critical to the completion of the semester. Group chats could happen as well.

Finally, the online student is made completely responsible for his own learning. If you do badly in the lessons, you shall hardly be able to blame anyone else but yourself. The consequence of being in online masters degrees is that of self-improvement and self-betterment in more ways than one.

Can You Finish a Masters Degree Online?

Masters degree online students gain their diploma after several years of determined studying. Online schooling may be appealing for the promise of convenience and flexibility, but there are challenges that are unique to engaging in a kind of schooling that happens completely in cyber space. Just as most of the features of the program have been developed to please those with a special need for flexibility, it has features too that may prove to be drawbacks.

There is no dearth of universities offering this type of education nowadays. Such programs may be found even in such Ivy League schools as Harvard nowadays. Hence, the presence of distance learning options has rapidly become a taken-for-granted thing.

A possible difficulty you may encounter here, though, is that you shall notbe motivated by peers competing with you. Whether students or teachers admit it or not, there is competition going on in the classroom in which students ceaselessly try to outdo each other. This is a good thing, in most cases.

Competing with others can really help people have a better gauge on their performance. These people become positive influences even as they engage in competition. The constant attempts to outdo each other lead to the people in the class raising the bar for their own learning higher an dhigher.

Because they keep attempting to outdo each other, they end up performing better and better. An online student will not be challenged this way. Even those arranged in cohorts still due not get the stimulation people in classrooms do.

The online student must learn how to compete against himself. This is not a bad thing, though, as learning to do this could help you prepare for your career. The individual thus gets to challenge himself repeatedly.

In this type of education, the individual has to come to grips with his teachers not being physically present. The online Masters student should know what he wants and how to get it. Only the drive succeed in this type of education, because they need no prodding to get to work.

Online schooling trains learners to be responsible, proactive and independent. There are no shoulders to cry on, which is why the learner must see to it that he accomplishes all the readings, spends time to really understand them, completes all the required assignments, and passes all the self-tests. Often, doing these may involve additional research and side-reference studies.

The programs typically demand excellent time management skills as well. Why, this is even the root of the Net-based programs, truth be told. You are thus expected to know how to manage your time well for yourself.

There are also some times when the school shall ask you to make time for a class exercise that must be taken all at the same time. The person then has the obligation to make time for these things. All these obstacles, though, are merely small bumps on the road: they shall only enhance your victory after completing masters degree online.

Your Life If You Enter MBA Online Degree Programs

MBA online degree programs will undoubtedly have their share of pros and cons. There will definitely be some drawbacks and advantages to earning your masters degree online. The important thing is, you’ll be able to decide for yourself if this is something that you want to pursue.

All graduates can safely expect a wage raise, but the degree to which their wages rise is uncertain. It is worthwhile to note that less noteworthy advances in the pay grades are found for those who achieved their diplomas through public schools. That might be problematic for those who were banking on heavy increases in pay to repay their student loans.

You will, however, have the competitive edge over other people applying for the same position. A graduate diploma garners powerful attention from hiring officers. It is just unfortunate, though, that we are in the midst of a recession, which means there is less hiring for people with such credentials at the moment due to the higher wages they are due.

This is a time when many Americans are questioning just how good their education is. Luckily, most people no longer care if you do not get further education directly from campus. This learning style has inspired a good number of colleges to provide classes of this type.

Part of what makes the distance learning programs so intriguing is that they do not place restrictions on when you can study or take a look at course materials. Hence, working learners get to take advantage of this constantly accessible technology. Even so, there are many pressures still involved in your pursuit of a masters degree.

As for the subjects covered, they are more or less similar in the two types of MBA programs. Note that the online students do benefit from their format in the sense that it genuinely demands of them certain virtues that are not as necessary in the conventional study. You can thus prove to your potential employer immediately that you are a person who can be trusted to do what is necessary without added prodding.

There are very few interactive face-to-face sessions with Net-based learning, though. This can severely hinder you from growth in certain fields, for some industries just require people to build up connections with others early on. For other online degree programs aside from an MBA, however, this may not be too big an issue.

A great point in Net-based education's favor is that it costs less overall than traditional education. This is on top of eliminating the need to travel to and from the campus. Because the individual has no need to expend hours on such a journey, he can use those hours as he sees fit.

The academy offering the program is naturally part of your considerations. There are many frauds out there and you do not want to fall for one of them. It pays to do campus visits to the schools and check that they are legitimate.

MBA online degree programs should not be viewed as always trounced by their campus-based counterparts. There are greater possibilities for your career when you earn a masters degree, in any way possible. The dark side of the coin in this endeavor is ironically overshadowed by the more considerable light side.